Activities (268)

Blue Sky Probus Club 268


Our club is all about encouraging healthy minds and bodies and connecting with other retirees in the community. We meet monthly so members can socialize and hear from interesting guest speakers.

You’re Invited!

Come to a club meeting to see if Probus is right for you. We meet at 10 am on the second Tuesday of the month, usually at the St. Joseph’s Motherhouse, 2025 Main Street W., North Bay. Note - the location sometimes changes so please email us at if you are planning to attend.

Member-led Activities

Members bring a wide range of experiences, interests, skills and knowledge to the club. Member volunteers organize activities according to common interests: walking, card games, books, art, theatre, dining out, potlucks, Sunday ice cream meet ups, and more. We also plan events such as tours and recreational or cultural activities that members can join. For the most current and complete list of activities and contacts, please email our Membership Coordinator at